Raise Economic Potential and Prepare Featured Products, Universitas IGM Engages Burai Village Community

The Visual Communication Design Study Program of the Faculty of Government and Cultural Sciences of Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (IGM) is increasingly focusing on developing and improving the economy of village communities in South Sumatra.
The community of Burai Village, Ogan Ilir District (OI) South Sumatera, used raw fish skin materials to produce valuable products for selling and use. The potential is considerable for the raw material. We use it to become a top product in the village, said the Team Leader of the Independence Community Program (KKM) of Universitas IGM, Aji Windu Viatra, M.Sn, Monday (19/12/2022).

According to Aji, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri 2022 Independence Community activities are more focused on fish skin cracker processing training, Product Identity Branding Training, Product Packaging Training, and Digital Marketing Management Training
During the village, the team conducted face-to-face sharing with the local community. Academics provide some quality materials for developing Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMdes). They started with How brand and marketing management (Digital Marketing), Visual Identity Branding and product packaging.

We analyze brand branding development strategies to increase the scale of BUMDes business, training in the design of visual identity branding and packaging development of BUMDes products. He said that they collaborate with every village institution and support all segments of the village community.
As Aji reports, the response of BUMDes, as well as every village institution, to the arrival of the KKM UIGM team was overwhelmingly positive. Moreover, the material is displayed readily to attract the public’s attention to find out more intensely.
The community feels delighted, and they ask us to immediately conduct practices related to designing identity branding and product packaging because the community urgently needs this knowledge to develop their efforts, he concluded. (andhiko tungga alam/dzulfiqor ammar)
