GCBM 2021, Indo Global Mandiri University Achieves Best Presenter

The International Seminar “Global Conference on Business Management (GCBM) initiated by Indo Global Mandiri University (IGM University) in collaboration with the Regional Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) Region II and APTISI region II as the host was completed.
Indo Global Mandiri University became one of the best in the Best Presenter category represented by Muhammad Wim Arias who presented a paper on Impact Of Work From Home On Productivity And Comfort Level Of Employees Working At Home. (Impact of Productivity And Comfort Level Of Employees Working At Home)
Another Best Presenter was also pinned to Christine Calista from Petra Christian University who presented a paper on The Influence Of Domestic And Foreign Direct Investment On The Indonesian Economic Growth.
For Best Paper, Erdiansyah from Universitas PGRI Palembang presented a paper on The Effect Of Lifestyle, Celebgrams And Customer Reviews On Purchase Decisions On Instagram Social Media (Explanative Study On Followers Selebgram Palembang @Jihannabilaaaa).

Another Best Paper was awarded to Susilo Adi, Lecturer of Semarang Institute of Technology and Business with the research title, Conceptual model based on Corporate Governance and CSR Disclosure to improve Corporate Environmental Performance.
This seminar was attended by at least 50 presenters from 7 countries namely the Philippines, Oman, Pakistan, Tunisia, India, Malaysia and Indonesia and more than 200 participants. Head of the Faculty of Economics at UIGM, Endah Dewi Purnamasari, S.E., M.M hopes that the seminar will improve relations between several ASEAN countries and will develop into various other fields and lecturers at UIGM can be motivated to continue publishing their scientific work that is beneficial to many people. (andhiko tungga alam/sapta mh)
