UNIVERSITAS INDO GLOBAL MANDIRI (UIGM) was established based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 83/D/O/2008 on May 22, 2008, the result of the merger between IGM High School of Informatics & Computer Management (STMIK) and IGM High School of Technology Palembang (STTP).

In the very first place, UIGM consists of 3 Faculties, Named:

  1. The Faculty of Computer Science consists of Informatics Engineering (S1), Information Systems (S1), Computer Engineering (D3), Informatic Management (D3), Computerized Accounting (D3); Currently the Computer Engineering Study Program is upgraded from D3 to S1 Computer System, while for Computerized Accounting is not continued, adjusting to market needs.
  2. The Faculty of Engineering consists of Civil Engineering Study Program (S1), Architecture Engineering (S1), Urban and Regional Planning (S1), Survey and Mapping (D3).
  3. The Faculty of Economics consists of Management (S1) and Accounting (S1) study programs.

As the time goes by, to meet market demand, IGM gradually develops several Study Programs which are incorporated into 2 Faculties, named:

  1. The faculty of Governmental and Cultural Sciences consists of Government Science and Visual Communication Design (DKV) Study Program.
  2. The Faculty of Teacher Training Education consists of English Education and Mathematics Study Program. Currently, the Mathematics Study Program has not been implemented due to the limited interest from the public.
  3. Thus at this time, Universitas IGM has 5 Faculties with 14 Study Programs. The study program will continue to be evaluated, opened or closed will be adjusted to market ne

In general, the education targets to be achieved in each the Study Program, named:

  • S2 program aims to produce graduate who have the ability to develop various hypotheses from various problems encountered and prove them in conjunction with the profession of science to be used as a reference in coping with the same problem in the future.
  • S1 program aims to produce an undergraduate who can analyze a problem and develop alternative solutions and can implement it according to the field of science owned.
  • D3 program aims to produce Ahli Madya (Associate Degree) professional who has the technical ability and insight to implement their expertise in the field of science owned.

The time required during the study at UIGM:

  • Graduate Program (S2) is taken within 4-6 semesters
  • Undergraduate Program (S1) is taken within 8-10 semesters
  • Diploma Program (D3) is taken within 6-8 semesters