Computer System
- Faculty : Computer and Science
- Academic Program : Computer System
- Duration of Study : 8 Semester (4 years)
- Program Type : Undergraduate Program
- Accreditation : BAIK SEKALI
- Study Lecture :

Tasmi, S.Si., M.Kom.
Ketua Program Sistem Komputer
Computer and Science
Reviews :
Cost estimation :

In this rapidly advancing digital era, the demand for professionals with expertise in technology is increasingly urgent. The Computer Systems program stands as the perfect solution to meet this need. With a comprehensive curriculum and an innovative learning approach, we prepare graduates who not only possess strong technical skills but are also ready to tackle the ever-evolving challenges of the industry. We are committed to producing outstanding human resources who are adaptable and ready to contribute to the dynamic world of technology. Join us and be a part of the future solutions in the digital industry!
Certificate of Accreditation
The Computer Systems study program of IGM University has an accreditation certificate BAIK
Menjadi Program Studi Yang Menghasilkan Sumber Daya Yang Memiliki Kompetensi di Bidang Embedded System dan Jaringan Komputer yang Profesional dan Berintegritas untuk Mengisi dan Menciptakan Peluang Kerja Pada Tahun 2026
1) Menyelenggarakan proses belajar mengajar untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten di bidang sistem embedid (embedded system) dan jaringan komputer.
2) Meningkatkan jumlah penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan penekanan di bidang sistem embedid (embedded system) dan jaringan komputer dan hasilnya dipublikasikan ke masyarakat luas.
3) Membangun kreatifitas dan jiwa kewirausahaan mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kompetensi agar mampu menciptakan peluang kerja. 4) Menjalin kerjasama dengan pemangku kepentingan untuk menciptakan link and match di pasar kerja.
Embedded System
This competency provides students with the understanding, skills, and experience to plan, design, implement, analyze, maintain, and document comprehensive solutions for computer-based systems, both for hardware and software applications. This includes planning, designing, implementing, analyzing, maintaining, and documenting basic hardware, operating systems, and low-level applications to perform computations with real-time targets and limited resources. Students will also engage in interfacing, selecting communication models between devices, mobile device models, I/O, data acquisition, actuators, and low-power features.
Computer Networks
Graduates of the Computer Networks program possess the ability to plan, design, implement, analyze, maintain, and document computer network infrastructure for Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), and the Internet. They also have the proficiency in using applications and testing tools as work aids and are capable of operating networking devices, managing bandwidth, and implementing security measures at the network level.