Faculty of Computer and Science
- Faculty : Computer and Science
- Program Type : Undergraduate Program
- Accreditation : BAIK SEKALI
- Study Lecture :

H. Rudi Heriansyah, ST., M.Eng. Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science
Category :
Computer Science
Reviews :
Program Studi

The Faculty of Computer Science and Science (FasilkomSains), UIGM, is a pioneer in higher education in the fields of computer science and science in the South Sumatra region, particularly in Palembang. With over 26 years of experience, we have contributed to the development of education and research in information technology, information systems, computer systems, chemistry, biology, and artificial intelligence. Our qualified and experienced faculty members, with expertise in academia, research, and industry, are ready to guide you in facing global challenges in the era of IR 4.0 and Society 5.0. Join us to become digital talents and young scientists who will contribute to the advancement of the nation.
Certificate of Accreditation
The faculty Computer Science of IGM University has an accreditation certificate BAIK
- Organizing teaching and learning quality process to produce graduates who are professional and competent in computer science.
- Increase the number of research, community service among lecturers and students, and publish according to computer science competencies.
- Develop students’ creativity and entrepreneurial mindset to improve competence to be able to fill or create job opportunities.
- Collaborating with stakeholders to create links and matches in the job market.