The Indo Global Mandiri Foundation (IGM) was established on October 5th, 1998. Coincided with the inception of the Indonesian National Army (TNI), and was assisted by a deed of Notary Janti Gunardi, S.H.
The establishment of the IGM Foundation was initiated by professionals with extensive experience in education, development of information systems, and computers based on information technology and have a great commitment to improving the quality of Indonesian human resources in anticipating global competition.
As a first step, Indo Global Mandiri High School of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK IGM) was formed, which is the first high school of Information Technology founded by experienced professionals in their fields that based on permission from the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 82/D/0/1999 dated on 15th April 1999.
Eventually, in 2002/2003 High School Education was opened, under the names of SMA (Senior High School) Life Skill Informatics Technology (SMA LTI IGM), SMP (Junior High School) Life Skill Information Technology (SMP LTI IGM). In 2004/2005 SD (Elementary School)-PlusIGM in 2004/2005 was opened, and in 2014/2015 Kindergarten (TK) also Early Childhood Education (PAUD) was opened.
For the development of Higher Education, on 6th November 2004, Palembang Collage of Technology (STTP) merged into the IGM Foundation under the name STTP IGM, eventually in 2008 STMIK IGM and STTP IGM were merged into IGM University based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 83/D/0/2008.
In line with the economic growth and to realize South Sumatra people want regarding the procedures for the sharia economy, in 2014 IGM Islamic College of Economics and Business (STEBIS) was opened, based on the Decree of the Director General of Private Islamic Education No. 2516 in 2014.
Universitas IGM provides opportunities for people who want to improve their education in Management by adding a Masters Program in Economics Management 2014, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 456/E/0/2014, then changed to the Master’s Program Management Study Program in 2018 based on the decision of the Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 650/KPT/1/2018.
As part of our concern for the underprivileged society, the IGM Foundation also provides scholarships to orphans and underprivileged children includes such of free education which is fostered at the IGM Al-Ihsaniah Modern Islamic Boarding School for the Tsanawiyah and Aliyah levels.
Another religious social activity implemented by the IGM Foundation is providing free guidance to pilgrims candidates in the form of Hajj training by referring to the IGM-AI Ikhsaniyah KBIH (Pilgrims Services) in 2001, in addition to assisting community groups who still need assistance either in social services, financial assistance and consultation on the development of the people’s economy.