Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, S.Si., M. Si.

Program Academic chemistry

Muhammad Iqbal has passion in Biodiversity, travelling to see and photograph wildlife in Indonesia, from Simeulue island in Aceh (Indonesia) to Popondetta in east Papua (Papua New Guinea). He has under his belt more than two decades of field experiences with biodiversity surveys, specializing in birds, related with agriculture, forestry, and oil palm sectors. After completing a thesis on the monitoring White-headed Stilt in South Sumatra, I active in research, regularly attends conferences (eg. in Scotlands, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Mongolia, India, Singapore) and has authored and co-authored more than ten dozens publications, with research conducted with grants from various leading organisations including RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK). I am also member of several ornithology organizations, including the Indonesian Ornithologist’s Union (IdOU) and International Wader Study Group, and has received recognition for his work including from IdOU in 2008. I am a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) of Bird Red List Authority, and also a RSPO-approved High Conservation Value (HCV) assessor.

Research interests

Ornithology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Ecology, Conservation Biology

Educational background :
# 2001

Universitas Sriwijaya (S.Si)

# 2018

Universitas Sriwijaya (M.Si.)

# 2021

Universitas Sriwijaya (Dr.)