The quality of lecturers at Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (IGM) deserves a thumbs up.
Eight Universitas IGM lecturers have been awarded funding for the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service (DRTPM), Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia 2023.
The eight best lecturers are Dr Shinta Puspitasari, S.Si, M.Kom; Dr Ahmad Sanmorino, M.Kom; Darius Antoni, S.Kom; Dona Marcelina, S.Kom, M.Kom; Agustina Heryati, S.Kom, MM, M.Kom; Herda Sabriyah Dara Kospa, M.IL, M.Sc; Isabella, S.IP; M.Si and Tasmi, S.Si, M.Kom.
The research and community service program provides opportunities for lecturers in higher education to collaborate to produce research that can be a solution and innovation in the community’s needs and challenges, and the results of the research can be implemented through community service activities.
Vice Rector III for Planning and Cooperation of Universitas IGM, Prof Erry Yulian T Adesta, Ph.D., appreciated the award of the funding program achieved by the lecturers of Universitas IGM. He considered that this achievement proved that the quality and ability of the teaching staff at Universitas IGM were increasingly tested.
He also mentioned that higher education has a strategic role in enhancing the position of science and technology as short-term, medium-term, and long-term investment capital for national development.
We believe this program supports the implementation of the three pillars of higher education as well as an effort to improve the quality of research and community service, he concluded. (andhiko tungga alam/dzulfiqor ammar)